Afternoon Tea for all the Ladies

Afternoon Tea for all the Ladies

afternoon tea

Socialising with a Difference


Afternoon tea is making a comeback. People are going out more and more these days, and they are looking for something different. Who doesn’t like to want to feel special during their dining experience no matter what it is? Maybe it’s time to brush up on your afternoon tea etiquette.

” To put milk in your tea before sugar is to cross the path of love, perhaps never to marry.”



Afternoon tea with your girlfriends

Maybe you can be the one with the great idea to invite your girlfriends to do something different. What a great way to meet up. Our jobs can make having time to meet up harder. Girlfriends need girl time, so why not have tea time and girl time meaning you have talk time. Always have a good time!


“Two spoons accidentally placed on the same saucer mean that a wedding will happen soon”



Afternoon tea for mothers, grandmothers & daughters

There is nothing like bonding with your mum over afternoon tea. Afternoon tea is the chance to talk about life, love and dreams for the future. It is the stopping and taking the time to be with each other. Spending time to listen is at the heart of afternoon tea. After all, mums have a lot of wisdom to pass on.


“If food is being served at tea-time, the person to take the last piece of cake from the plate will be the first to get married.”



afternoon tea

Delicious Sweet & Savoury Bites


Afternoon tea sweetness for the little ones



“If you drop a teaspoon on the floor, it means that a child will visit the house.”



Afternoon tea is like that moment when you were a little girl and you played with a tea set. It was the stage for polite conversation and tea cup exchanges. In that moment, you feel felt like a princess surrounded by all your friends. Kids love the idea of tea parties. It is the playfulness and of course cake. What a delightful afternoon idea; to create an everlasting memory for your little girl.


Don’t forget the Afternoon Tea Etiquette


afternoon tea

Afternoon tea would not be proper if you didn’t know the etiquette to go with it.


Etiquette for Afternoon Tea

  • Upon sitting down put purse on lap or behind you on the back of the chair
  • Unfold your napkin on your lap. If you must leave momentarily, place the napkin on the chair.
  • Sugar/lemon — sugar is placed in a cup first, then thinly sliced lemon. Never milk and lemon together. Tea is then poured followed lastly by the milk.
  • Proper placement of spoon — the spoon always goes behind the cup, also don’t leave the spoon in the cup.
  • Holding the cup — do not put your pinkie “up”, this is not correct. A guest should look into the teacup when drinking — never over it.
  • When eating from the tea tray, the original order was savouries are first, scones next and sweets last. But of course, the choice is yours!
  • Scones — split horizontally with knife, curd and cream is placed on the plate. Use the knife to put cream/curd on each bite. Eat with fingers neatly.
  • Lastly, good, polite conversation


The Social Scene with a Difference

It is nice to see it come back creating a more social scene with a difference. Tea fixes everything you know. So, ladies, we know you love to meet up and chat about everything from your job to make up to the latest fun things that allow you do let your hair down.


“Bubbles stuck to the side of the cup represent the number of kisses you may receive, while bubbles in the middle of the cup indicate you will be rich.”


Afternoon tea is a casual meet up with a drop of sophistication and a sprinkle of cheeky conversation. There are delicate sandwiches and adorable bite-sized treats to be nibbled.

Call to Book Your Delightful Ladies Afternoon Tea today 090 64 42000

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